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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

a mouse in a pile of leaves

Leptospirosis among Returned Travelers: A GeoSentinel Site Survey and Multicenter Analysis-1997-2016.

Jul 01, 2018
Publish date: Jul 01, 2018
Lead author: Sophia G de Vries
Authors: Sophia G de Vries, Benjamin J Visser, Rhett J Stoney, Jiri F P Wagenaar, Emmanuel Bottieau, Lin H Chen, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Mary Wilson, Christophe Rapp, Karin Leder, Eric Caumes, Eli Schwartz, Noreen A Hynes, Abraham Goorhuis, Douglas H Esposito, Davidson H Hamer, Martin P Grobusch, For The GeoSentinel Surveillance Network
a person with luggage walking through an airport

Regional variation in travel-related illness acquired in Africa, March 1997-May 2011.

Apr 01, 2014
Publish date: Apr 01, 2014
Lead author: Marc Mendelson
Authors: Marc Mendelson, Pauline V Han, Peter Vincent, Frank von Sonnenburg, Jakob P Cramer, Louis Loutan, Kevin C Kain, Philippe Parola, Stefan Hagmann, Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas, Mark Sotir, Patricia Schlagenhauf, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network
a tick on a blade of grass

Multicenter GeoSentinel analysis of rickettsial diseases in international travelers, 1996-2008.

Nov 01, 2009
Publish date: Nov 01, 2009
Lead author: Mogens Jensenius
Authors: Mogens Jensenius, Xiaohong Davis, Frank von Sonnenburg, Eli Schwartz, Jay S Keystone, Karin Leder, Rogelio Lopéz-Véléz, Eric Caumes, Jakob P Cramer, Lin Chen, Philippe Parola, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network