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GeoSentinel has several collaborations with WHO through its work with:
- WHO Arboviral Consultant, Dr. Annelies Wilder-Smith, a former Site Director
- Dr. Jose Ramon Franco in the Neglected Tropical Disease Department (primarily for reporting cases of human African trypanosomiasis)
- The Zurich GeoSentinel Site Director, Prof. Patricia Schlagenhauf is also Co-Director of the Zürich, WHO Collaborating Centre for Travellers’ Health and a member of the WHO Guideline Development Group for International Travel and Health
- The Marseille GeoSentinel Site Director, Dr. Philippe Gautret is a WHO Collaborating Centre for Rickettsial Disease
GeoSentinel contributes outbreak alerts ranging from single cases to small case series to ProMED each year. We have an excellent working relationship with the lead ProMED team including the Editor, Associate Editor, and Parasitic Diseases Moderator.
GeoSentinel partners with EpiCore, a large group of human, animal and environmental health experts that use innovative surveillance methods to verify and update reports about public health events from formal and informal sources. GeoSentinel is one of a limited number of organizations that can use the EpiCore platform to obtain supplemental information on novel disease outbreaks.
Collaborations with TropNet have been greatly strengthened in recent years. These include collaborations on outbreak reports and a malaria case management survey in 2020. GeoSentinel and TropNet held a half day overlapping annual meeting in Porto in 2018 and again in Madrid in 2022. Due to COVID-19, this meeting has been cancelled. There is another collaborative publication in process on XDR typhoid fever. In addition, there is regular outreach from GeoSentinel to TropNet sites through the secretariat in Negrar, Italy. We anticipate greater collaborations on both enhanced surveillance and research projects in the next few years.