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Welcome to the new GeoSentinel website! Submit feedback here.

ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

Become a GeoSentinel Member

GeoSentinel network group photo from above

GeoSentinel allows members to collaborate and support each other. Members from many countries are linked together to share clinical observations and facilitate direct interaction with health authorities.

Participating GeoSentinel Sites see post-travel patients and enter data on demographics, travel history and clinical information into the GeoSentinel electronic database. The data is monitored and periodically analyzed in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

A major goal is to track new or emerging travel-related illnesses and to rapidly disseminate and publish findings.

Membership Benefits

  • Bi-monthly e-bulletins summarizing network activities and advanced access to reports and alerts
  • GeoSentinel® Surveillance Sites are recognized members of a worldwide network affiliated with the ISTM and the U.S. CDC
  • Real-time web access to collected data and reports on patients seen at your clinic
  • Incentive program for sites to defray data entry costs
  • Access to network aggregate data for scholarly publications
  • Annual meeting of GeoSentinel Surveillance Sites
  • Secure GeoSentinel Sites-only websites and documentation

GeoSentinel allows ISTM members to collaborate and support each other. Facilitate rapid and global public health responses in the face of possible or established international outbreaks.

Would you like to be involved and provide information about unusual diagnoses? Apply to become a part of a globally recognized network of travel and tropical disease experts.