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Welcome to the new GeoSentinel website! Submit feedback here.

ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

About GeoSentinel

GeoSentinel  is an international network of clinics and healthcare providers dedicated to monitoring infectious diseases and other travel-related health issues among international travelers and migrants.

For the last 25+ years, GeoSentinel has been a major contributor to the understanding of travel and tropical medicine epidemiology and clinical practice. We have also been among the first to detect multiple sentinel travel-related infectious disease events. GeoSentinel is a network of 71+ specialized travel and tropical medicine sites across six continents and the largest international network dedicated to the collection of provider-based data on travel-related illnesses.

Today, our Network continues to foster strong relationships with clinical and public health partners worldwide including data gathering, communications, and dissemination of information to the public and academic communities. We are devoted to strengthening international partnerships and capacities for infectious disease prevention, surveillance, control, and research.