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Welcome to the new GeoSentinel website! Submit feedback here.

ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.


GeoSentinel, a global clinician-based sentinel surveillance system of specialized travel and tropical medicine clinics, monitors infectious diseases and other travel-related conditions among international travelers and migrants. It was established in 1995 as a collaboration between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM). All sites have experience diagnosing and treating patients with travel-related infectious diseases and contribute systematic surveillance data on patients seen for a travel-related illness.

The roles and responsibilities are based upon the understanding that the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a major grantor and that the Network functions under a cooperative agreement (CoAg) between the International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


GeoSentinel organogram

Cooperative Agreement Bodies

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Division of Global Migration and Quarantine Director

  • Provides necessary leadership to all members of the Network
  • Maintains communications with the Office of the PI (OPI) on a regular basis
  • Participates in executive-level management decisions with the ISTM
  • Reviews and approves the annual GeoSentinel budget


  • Whom they oversee: OPI
  • Whom they review: OPI
  • Who conducts their performance reviews: Not applicable.

International Society of Travel Medicine (ISTM) President (and Executive Board)

  • Provides necessary leadership to all members of the Network
  • Maintains communications with the OPI on a regular basis
  • Participates in executive-level management decisions with the CDC.
  • This includes the appointment of the PI/co-PI’s, and approval of candidates nominated for the position of Data Analyst/Program Manager to ensure consistency with HHS/CDC and ISTM policies and procedures.


  • Whom they oversee: OPI and ISTM Secretariat
  • Whom they review: OPI and ISTM Secretariat
  • Who conducts their performance reviews: Not applicable.

Senior Advisor

  • Provides necessary leadership to all members of the Network, including the Cooperative Agreement Bodies, the OPI, GeoSentinel Site Personnel, Leadership Team, Affiliate Members, and ISTM staff supporting the project
  • Maintains communications with the OPI on a regular basis
    Participates in executive level management decisions with the CDC and ISTM on behalf of the Network
  • Assists with establishing consensus among the OPI and Leadership Team on Network issues and overall goals on behalf of the Network
  • Reviews daily surveillance data to identify potential new outbreaks or other unusual or notable events.; identifies data capture problems with the goal of quality improvement
  • Facilitates strategic external collaborations to promote the Network


  • Whom they oversee: OPI
  • Whom they review: OPI and ISTM Secretariat
  • Who conducts their performance review: OPI

Office of the PI (OPI)

(Co-)Principal Investigator(s)

NOTE: The PI should not be a GeoSentinel Site Director.

General Responsibilities

  • Provides necessary leadership to all members of the Network, including GeoSentinel Site Personnel, Leadership Team, Affiliate Members, and ISTM staff supporting the project.
  • Maintains communications and appropriate collaboration among all Network members.
  • Provides leadership, in collaboration with the CDC Epidemiologist/Project Officer, the Senior Advisor, and the Leadership Team in the context of the Cooperative Agreement(s), in setting overall goals, objectives, priorities and strategies on behalf of the Network.
  • Maintains communications with the OPI and Cooperative Agreement bodies on a regular basis
  • Reports on a regular basis on Network progress or problems related to overall goals and objectives to the Network and Cooperative Agreement Bodies on behalf of the Network; makes quarterly on-site visits to ISTM and CDC, at least quarterly.
  • Responsible for striving to establish consensus among the OPI and Leadership Team on Network issues and overall goals.
  • Holds overall responsibility for the identification and resolution of any conflicts or inconsistencies involving the various personnel and functions of the Network.
  • Oversees the required modification or creation of procedures and protocols.
  • Organizes regular meetings with the leadership and administrative teams on behalf of the Network, to establish and maintain strategic priorities as they pertain to surveillance functions, publications, operating structures, and future planning for the Network.
  • Participates in executive level management decisions with the ISTM and CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine leadership, as appropriate, on behalf of the Network.
  • Submits required work plans and other CoAg documents to CDC annually.

Core Surveillance functions

  • Reviews daily surveillance data to identify potential new outbreaks or other unusual or notable events; identify data capture problems with the goal of quality improvement.
  • Reviews and responds to Alarming Diagnoses.
  • Initiates, participates in, and maintains awareness of ongoing communications with sites regarding outbreaks and other events reported within the Network.
  • Provides oversight to Network and ISTM communications, such as Network e-Bulletins and reports to ISTM membership.

Analyses and Publications

  • Leads or assists in developing, evaluating, and documenting Network policies, processes, and procedures
  • Related to data analyses and publications (e.g., proposal reviews, data analysis, and manuscript writing) on behalf of the Network
  • Develops procedures and policies for Network data use involving individuals or entities outside of the Network, including related activities such as ethics approvals, publications, presentations, and other collaborations on behalf of the Network
  • Develops strategic external collaborations to facilitate strengthening of publications
  • Provides oversight for all analyses and ensure compliance with all procedures and regulations required for publication (projects divided among co-PIs)
  • Leads or assists in consideration and action regarding applications for supplemental project funding through government and/or private sector on behalf of the Network

Network Infrastructure

  • Priorities for types and locations of Network sites.  based on Network goals, objectives, and financial resources
    • Identifies the need for new sites
    • Evaluates potential candidates for new sites
    • Evaluates the functioning and continuing need for existing sites.
  • Identifies priorities for periodic site visits, particularly for new sites, and older sites facing ongoing challenges.
  • Maintains overall budget oversight in collaboration with the ISTM Secretariat.
    • Performs regular review of Network expenditures and budget planning in collaboration with the Leadership Team.
    • Performs impartial review of the incentive structure for data collection and distribution of incentive payments to sites.
    • Manages appropriate communication with sites regarding conflicts or problems with reimbursement.
    • Assists with planning annual and semi-annual meetings to establish, strengthen, and maintain strategic priorities as they pertain to surveillance functions, operating structures, and future planning for the Network.
  • Collaboration and Public Relations
    • Represents the Network at various meetings, conferences, and other venues.
    • Serves as an authority for providing information about the Network to outside organizations and institutions.; F facilitates links between the Network and outside investigators, collaborators, funders, and the public.
    • Administers reports or presentations on Network activities when appropriate.
    • Provides oversight to collaborations with CanTravNet and EuroTravNet.
    • Leads or assists in the development of partnerships with governmental agencies, academia, consumer organizations, private entities, and others that may assist in finding solutions to public health problems on behalf of the Network.
    • Oversees local and cross-cultural communications and interpersonal relationships on behalf of the Network in order to establish and maintain effective and diplomatic working relationships both within and outside the Network.


  • Whom they oversee: OPI, Leadership team, OPI assistants, and GeoSentinel Sites
  • Whom they review: other members of the OPI, the Leadership Team, the OPI Assistants, and the ISTM Secretariat
  • Who conducts their performance reviews: other members of the OPI (with input from the OPI Assistants), the Leadership Team, the ISTM Secretariat, Cooperative Agreement Bodies, and GeoSentinel sites.

Program Manager

  • Operates and manages the master calendar.
  • Manages and coordinates analyses.
    • Ensures the Data Use and Publications Policy and Procedures are followed.
    • Sends follow-up emails regarding progress status.
    • Maintains a log of all ongoing and past projects.
  • Provides oversight of communications plans.
  • Assists with sending OPI site communications to the Network.
  • Serves as a database administrator.
  • Processes applications from interested sites.
  • Maintains an archive of historical documents.
  • Updates policies and procedures for Network-related activities as directed by the OPI, Leadership Teams, and GeoSentinel Committees
  • Assists the PI/co-PIs with oversight of:
    • Site contracts
    • Site Data Confidentiality Agreements
    • Affiliate Member applications
  • Coordinates the Network Affiliate Member Program.
  • Assists in supporting and coordinating Network meetings.


  • Whom they review: other members of the OPI and the Leadership Team
  • Who conducts their performance reviews: OPI (with input from the ISTM Secretariat)

CDC Project Officer/Epidemiologist

General Responsibilities

  • Serves as the primary liaison between GeoSentinel and CDC.
  • Provides necessary leadership, in collaboration with the PI/co-PIs, Senior Advisor, and Leadership Team, to members of the Network, including GeoSentinel Site Personnel, Leadership Team, Affiliate Members, and ISTM staff supporting the project and setting overall goals, objectives, priorities, and strategies on behalf of the Network
  • Works with the PI/co-PIs to provide leadership and assists with execution of decisions on behalf of the Network.
  • Maintains communications with the OPI on a regular basis.
  • Reports Network progress or problems related to overall goals and objectives.
  • Assists with identification and resolution of conflicts or inconsistencies involving the various personnel and functions of the Network.
  • Assists with the required modification or creation of procedures and protocols.

Core Surveillance Functions

  • Reviews Alarming Diagnoses.
  • Maintains awareness of ongoing communications with sites regarding outbreaks and other events reported within the Network
    • Analyses and Publications
  • Leads a team of surveillance epidemiologists and delegates analyses to CDC staff.
  • Performs data analyses as needed.
  • Serves as the point-person for epidemiology-related modification and interpretation of data collection, including serving as a resource for alternate external support for data analyses.
  • Assists in developing, evaluating, and documenting Network policies, processes, and procedures related to data analyses and publications on behalf of the Network (e.g., proposal reviews, data analysis, and manuscript writing).
  • Provides oversight for analyses and manuscripts that require CDC assistance (and hence, CDC clearance), and ensures compliance with all procedures and regulations required for publication.
    • Network Infrastructure
  • Helps set priorities for types and locations of Network sites based on Network goals, objectives, and financial resources; helps set priorities for types and locations of Network sites.
  • Identifies the need for new sites.
  • Evaluates potential candidates for new sites.
  • Evaluates the functioning and continuing need for existing sites.
  • Identifies priorities for periodic site visits together with the other members of the OPI, particularly for new sites, and older sites facing ongoing challenges.
  • Maintains overall budget oversight in collaboration with the PI/co-PI’s and ISTM Secretariat. Performs regular review of Network expenditures and budget planning in collaboration with the PI/co-PI’s and Leadership Team
    • Collaborations and Public Relations
  • Administers reports or presentations on Network activities when appropriate.
  • Participates in executive level management decisions with the ISTM and CDC Division of Global Migration and Quarantine leadership, as appropriate, on behalf of the Network.


  • Whom they review: other members of the OPI, the Leadership team, and OPI assistants
  • Who conducts their performance review: Cooperative Agreement Bodies, other members of the OPI, the Leadership Team, and GeoSentinel sites

OPI Assistants

Data Manager

  • Responsible for database data quality.
  • Audits, queries, and monitors individual database records.
  • Fixes data errors, duplicates, and missing data.
  • Tracks and logs changes made to the database.


  • Whom they review: OPI and Leadership team
  • Who conducts their performance review: OPI and the Leadership Team


  • Manages IT infrastructure.
  • Implements changes to the Data Entry User interface.
  • Provides input on new projects that require supplemental data collection tools.
  • Manages and coordinates changes to the database and plans the roll-out of changes.
  • Performs database queries as needed.


  • Whom they review: OPI and Leadership team
  • Who conducts their performance review: OPI (with input from the Leadership Team)

ISTM Secretariat

NOTE: In support of the OPI, The ISTM Secretariat plays a principal role in financial and contractual management and ensuring adherence to the ISTM and the Networks well and as HHS/CDC policies and procedures, the terms of the CoAg.

Executive Director

  • Performs fiscal, CoAg, and contract management.
  • Ensures ISTM and CoAg policies are followed.
  • Oversees accuracy and integrity of financial records, audit, and account reconciliation in existing ISTM financial systems, IT infrastructure, CoAg submissions, and all contracting according to ISTM policies.
  • Responsible for the quarterly and yearly reports to CDC grants administration, and the CoAg application processes.
  • Liaises between the project, the ISTM, and the ISTM Foundation.


  • Whom they oversee: ISTM Secretariat staff
  • Whom they review: OPI (with input from the ISTM Staff)
  • Who conducts their performance review: OPI and ISTM

Finance Director

  • Processes all requisitions and reimbursements, site incentives, and purchasing.
  • Internal processing of site and affiliate member applications.
  • Provides support to the budgeting, financial management and audit processes.
  • Downloads and maintains the ISTM version of the database.
  • Supports the Executive Director with duties related to GeoSentinel as needed.


  • Who conducts their performance review: ISTM

Meetings Coordinator

  • Organizes logistical arrangements for various meetings such as: the annual Network Site Director’s meeting, midyear meeting, various Leadership and Working Group meetings, and manages all other travel related to the project (such as site visits, PI/co-PI’s travel, meeting attendance at events other than GeoSentinel meetings, etc.).


  • Who conducts their performance review: ISTM

GeoSentinel Sites 

Site Directors

  • Participate actively in surveillance and monitoring of travel-related illnesses and submits robust surveillance data to the Network
  • Provides input (e.g., suggestions and advice) to the OPI and Leadership regarding Network function and processes in order to strengthen and maintain strategic priorities
  • Maintains communication with the OPI and Leadership Team on a regular basis; reports site successes or problems on a regular basis to the OPI and Leadership Team regarding site successes or problems. on a regular basis
  • Follows Network policies and procedures.
  • Attends the GeoSentinel site meeting annually.


  • Whom they review: OPI
  • Who conducts their performance review: the sites are reviewed quarterly via the OPI through surveillance record submission numbers and incentive qualification

External Collaboration Committee (ECCO)

ECCO works with the GeoSentinel Leadership Team to address if, when, and under what circumstances GeoSentinel might share its data with outside organizations or individuals. Since requests for data are received regularly, ECCo was formed within the GeoSentinel structure and charged with developing guidelines for sharing Network data. The ECCo Chair will also receive and respond to individual requests for data collaborations, with the input of the GeoSentinel Leadership Team.

ECCO members

  • ECCO Chair – Victoria Johnston, Hospital for Tropical Diseases (May 2022 -)
  • Elizabeth Barnett (May 2022 – )
  • Yazden Mirzanejad (May 2022 – )
  • Marc Shaw (November 2019 – )
  • Corneliu Popescu (May 2022 – )

Scientific Review Committee (SRC)

The GeoSentinel Scientific Review Committee (SRC) reviews proposals to ensure they meet standards for scientific rigor and merit and are relevant to GeoSentinel’s mission. Additionally, the SRC reviews other aspects of the proposal including study feasibility, priority for the Network, budget, and expertise of the investigating team. The SRC reports the study review outcomes (i.e., scores and comments) to the OPI, who makes final decisions about all proposals and funding allocations. This can be an iterative process.

The overall mandate of the committee is to:

  • Provide evaluations of proposals for GeoSentinel projects through a process that is objective, transparent to the Network, and fair with respect to the overall quality, scientific merit, and appropriateness of projects.
  • Rank submitted proposals in terms of priority for the Network, and in terms of alignment with the mandate of GeoSentinel.
  • Provide constructive feedback, with the intent to support and encourage high quality submissions for new and revised projects.