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Illness among US resident student travellers after return to the USA: a GeoSentinel analysis, 2007-17.
Jan 01, 2018
Publish date: Jan 01, 2018
Lead author: Kristina M Angelo
Authors: Kristina M Angelo, N Jean Haulman, Anne C Terry, Daniel T Leung, Lin H Chen, Elizabeth D Barnett, Stefan H F Hagmann, Noreen A Hynes, Bradley A Connor, Susan Anderson, Anne McCarthy, Marc Shaw, Perry J J Van Genderen, Davidson H Hamer

Illness among US resident student travellers after return to the USA: a GeoSentinel analysis, 2007-17.
Jan 01, 2018
Publish date: Jan 01, 2018
Lead author: Kristina M Angelo
Authors: Kristina M Angelo, N Jean Haulman, Anne C Terry, Daniel T Leung, Lin H Chen, Elizabeth D Barnett, Stefan H F Hagmann, Noreen A Hynes, Bradley A Connor, Susan Anderson, Anne McCarthy, Marc Shaw, Perry J J Van Genderen, Davidson H Hamer

Business travel-associated illness: a GeoSentinel analysis.
Jan 01, 2018
Publish date: Jan 01, 2018
Lead author: Lin H Chen
Authors: Lin H Chen, Karin Leder, Kira A Barbre, Patricia Schlagenhauf, Michael Libman, Jay Keystone, Marc Mendelson, Philippe Gautret, Eli Schwartz, Marc Shaw, Sue MacDonald, Anne McCarthy, Bradley A Connor, Douglas H Esposito, Davidson Hamer, Mary E Wilson, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network

Clostridium difficile infection in returning travellers.
May 01, 2017
Publish date: May 01, 2017
Lead author: A Michal Stevens
Authors: A Michal Stevens, Douglas H Esposito, Rhett J Stoney, Davidson H Hamer, Jose Flores-Figueroa, Emmanuel Bottieau, Bradley A Connor, Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas, Abraham Goorhuis, Noreen A Hynes, Michael Libman, Rogelio Lopez-Velez, Anne E McCarthy, Frank von Sonnenburg, Eli Schwartz, Perry J J van Genderen, L Scott Benson, Daniel T Leung, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network

Review: chronic and persistent diarrhea with a focus in the returning traveler.
May 01, 2017
Publish date: May 01, 2017
Lead author: Christopher A
Authors: Christopher A Duplessis, Ramiro L Gutierrez, Chad K Porter

Regional variation in travel-related illness acquired in Africa, March 1997-May 2011.
Apr 01, 2014
Publish date: Apr 01, 2014
Lead author: Marc Mendelson
Authors: Marc Mendelson, Pauline V Han, Peter Vincent, Frank von Sonnenburg, Jakob P Cramer, Louis Loutan, Kevin C Kain, Philippe Parola, Stefan Hagmann, Effrossyni Gkrania-Klotsas, Mark Sotir, Patricia Schlagenhauf, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network