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Fatal Yellow Fever in Travelers to Brazil, 2018
Mar 01, 2018
Publish date: Mar 01, 2018
Lead author: Davidson H Hamer
Authors: Davidson H Hamer, Kristina Angelo, Eric Caumes, Perry J J van Genderen, Simin A Florescu, Corneliu P Popescu, Cecilia Perret, Angela McBride, Anna Checkley, Jenny Ryan, Martin Cetron, Patricia Schlagenhauf

Advanced age a risk factor for illness temporally associated with yellow fever vaccination.
Nov 01, 2001
Publish date: Nov 01, 2001
Lead author: M Martin
Authors: M Martin, L H Weld, T F Tsai, G T Mootrey, R T Chen, M Niu, M S Cetron, GeoSentinel Yellow Fever Working Group