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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

a doctor giving a patient a shot

Fatal Yellow Fever in Travelers to Brazil, 2018

Mar 01, 2018
Publish date: Mar 01, 2018
Lead author: Davidson H Hamer
Authors: Davidson H Hamer, Kristina Angelo, Eric Caumes, Perry J J van Genderen, Simin A Florescu, Corneliu P Popescu, Cecilia Perret, Angela McBride, Anna Checkley, Jenny Ryan, Martin Cetron, Patricia Schlagenhauf
a person with luggage walking through an airport

Illness in travelers returned from Brazil: the GeoSentinel experience and implications for the 2014 FIFA World Cup and the 2016 Summer Olympics.

May 01, 2014
Publish date: May 01, 2014
Lead author: Mary E Wilson
Authors: Mary E Wilson, Lin H Chen, Pauline V Han, Jay S Keystone, Jakob P Cramer, Aluisio Segurado, DeVon Hale, Mogens Jensenius, Eli Schwartz, Frank von Sonnenburg, Karin Leder, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network