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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

plates of food on a table

Analyzing GeoSentinel surveillance data: a comparison of methods to explore acute gastrointestinal illness among international travelers.

Feb 01, 2014
Publish date: Feb 01, 2014
Lead author: Katherine E Mues
Authors: Katherine E Mues, Douglas H Esposito, Pauline V Han, Emily S Jentes, Mark J Sotir, Clive Brown

A global study of pathogens and host risk factors associated with infectious gastrointestinal disease in returned international travellers.

Jul 01, 2008
Publish date: Jul 01, 2008
Lead author: Ashwin Swaminathan
Authors: Ashwin Swaminathan, Joseph Torresi, Patricia Schlagenhauf, Karin Thursky, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Bradley A Connor, Eli Schwartz, Frank Vonsonnenberg, Jay Keystone, Daniel P O'Brien, GeoSentinel Network
plates of food on a table

Gastrointestinal infection among international travelers globally.

Jul 01, 2008
Publish date: Jul 01, 2008
Lead author: Zoe Greenwood
Authors: Zoe Greenwood, James Black, Leisa Weld, Daniel O'Brien, Karin Leder, Frank Von Sonnenburg, Prativa Pandey, Eli Schwartz, Bradley A Connor, Graham Brown, David O Freedman, Joseph Torresi, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network