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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

a person with luggage walking through an airport

Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in travellers returning from Bali, Indonesia, November 2008 to March 2010.

Mar 01, 2011
Publish date: Mar 01, 2011
Lead author: P Gautret
Authors: P Gautret, P L Lim, M Shaw, K Leder
a man and woman embracing

The visiting friends or relatives traveler in the 21st century: time for a new definition.

May 01, 2010
Publish date: May 01, 2010
Lead author: Elizabeth D Barnett
Authors: Elizabeth D Barnett, Douglas W MacPherson, William M Stauffer, Louis Loutan, Christoph F Hatz, Alberto Matteelli, Ron H Behrens
chest of a person with a skin condition

Dermatologic conditions of the ill returned traveler: an analysis from the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network.

Nov 01, 2008
Publish date: Nov 01, 2008
Lead author: Edith R Lederman
Authors: Edith R Lederman, Leisa H Weld, Iqbal R F Elyazar, Frank von Sonnenburg, Louis Loutan, Eli Schwartz, Jay S Keystone, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network
a german shepherd playfully biting a person's arm

Animal-associated injuries and related diseases among returned travellers: a review of the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network.

Mar 01, 2007
Publish date: Mar 01, 2007
Lead author: Philippe Gautret
Authors: Philippe Gautret, Eli Schwartz, Marc Shaw, Georges Soula, Pierre Gazin, Jean Delmont, Philippe Parola, Marie José Soavi, Elizabeth Matchett, Graham Brown, Joseph Torresi, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network
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