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  • Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in travellers returning from Bali, Indonesia, November 2008 to March 2010.
Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in travellers returning from Bali, Indonesia, November 2008 to March 2010.

Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in travellers returning from Bali, Indonesia, November 2008 to March 2010.

Lead Author: P Gautret


Clinical microbiology and infection




Since 2008, when the outbreak of rabies in Bali began, 45 patients have attended GeoSentinel or EuroTravNet sites for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), representing 12.6% of all travellers seen for PEP in all network clinics during the same time period. This suggests that Bali is emerging as a commonly visited destination among travellers presenting for rabies PEP. The data demonstrate that the majority of animal-related injuries in travellers returning from Bali are associated with exposure to monkeys, and not dog bites/scratches. The clinical implications of this are discussed.