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Spectrum of illness in migrants to Canada: sentinel surveillance through CanTravNet
Feb 01, 2019
Publish date: Feb 01, 2019
Lead author: Andrea K Boggild
Authors: Andrea K Boggild, Jennifer Geduld , Michael Libman, Cedric P Yansouni , Anne E McCarthy, Jan Hajek, Wayne Ghesquiere , Yazdan Mirzanejad, Jean Vincelette, Susan Kuhn, Pierre J Plourde, Sumontra Chakrabarti, Christina Greenaway, Davidson H Hamer, Kevin C Kain

Area of exposure and treatment challenges of malaria in Eritrean migrants: a GeoSentinel analysis.
Nov 01, 2018
Publish date: Nov 01, 2018
Lead author: Patricia Schlagenhauf
Authors: Patricia Schlagenhauf, Martin P Grobusch, Davidson H Hamer, Hilmir Asgeirsson, Mogens Jensenius, Gilles Eperon, Camilla Rothe, Egon Isenring, Jan Fehr, Eli Schwartz, Emmanuel Bottieau, Elizabeth D Barnett, Anne McCarthy, Paul Kelly, Carsten Schade Larsen, Perry van Genderen, William Stauffer, Michael Libman, Philippe Gautret

Profile of illness in Syrian refugees: A GeoSentinel analysis, 2013 to 2015.
Mar 01, 2016
Publish date: Mar 01, 2016
Lead author: Frank P Mockenhaupt
Authors: Frank P Mockenhaupt, Kira A Barbre, Mogens Jensenius, Carsten S Larsen, Elizabeth D Barnett, William Stauffer, Camilla Rothe, Hilmir Asgeirsson, Davidson H Hamer, Douglas H Esposito, Philippe Gautret, Patricia Schlagenhauf

Malaria in travelers: a review of the GeoSentinel surveillance network.
Oct 01, 2004
Publish date: Oct 01, 2004
Lead author: Karin Leder
Authors: Karin Leder, Jim Black, Dan O'Brien, Zoe Greenwood, Kevin C Kain, Eli Schwartz, Graham Brown, Joseph Torresi