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Travel-associated disease among US residents visiting US GeoSentinel clinics after return from international travel.
Dec 01, 2014
Publish date: Dec 01, 2014
Lead author: Stefan H F Hagmann
Authors: Stefan H F Hagmann, Pauline V Han, William M Stauffer, Andy O Miller, Bradley A Connor, DeVon C Hale, Christina M Coyle, John D Cahill, Cinzia Marano, Douglas H Esposito, Phyllis E Kozarsky, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network

Patterns of illness in travelers visiting Mexico and Central America: the GeoSentinel experience.
Sep 01, 2011
Publish date: Sep 01, 2011
Lead author: Jose Flores-Figueroa
Authors: Jose Flores-Figueroa, Pablo C Okhuysen, Frank von Sonnenburg, Herbert L DuPont, Michael D Libman, Jay S Keystone, Devon C Hale, Gerd Burchard, Pauline V Han, Annelies Wilder-Smith, David O Freedman, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network

llness in children after international travel: analysis from the GeoSentinel Surveillance Network.
May 01, 2010
Publish date: May 01, 2010
Lead author: Stefan Hagmann
Authors: Stefan Hagmann, Richard Neugebauer, Eli Schwartz, Cecilia Perret, Francesco Castelli, Elizabeth D Barnett, William M Stauffer, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network

Defining infections in international travellers through the GeoSentinel surveillance network.
Dec 01, 2009
Publish date: Dec 01, 2009
Lead author: Joseph Torresi
Authors: Joseph Torresi, Karin Leder

Seasonality, annual trends, and characteristics of dengue among ill returned travelers, 1997-2006.
Jul 01, 2008
Publish date: Jul 01, 2008
Lead author: Eli Schwartz
Authors: Eli Schwartz, Leisa H Weld, Annelies Wilder-Smith, Frank von Sonnenburg, Jay S Keystone, Kevin C Kain, Joseph Torresi, David O Freedman, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network