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The rise in travel-associated measles infections-GeoSentinel, 2015-2019.
Sep 01, 2019
Publish date: Sep 01, 2019
Lead author: Kristina M Angelo
Authors: Kristina M Angelo, Michael Libman, Philippe Gautret, Elizabeth Barnett, Martin P Grobusch, Stefan H F Hagmann, Federico Gobbi, Eli Schwartz, Perry J J van Genderen, Hilmer Asgeirsson, Davidson H Hamer, GeoSentinel Surveillance Network

Travel Surveillance and Genomics Uncover a Hidden Zika Outbreak during the Waning Epidemic.
Aug 01, 2019
Publish date: Aug 01, 2019
Lead author: Nathan D Grubaugh
Authors: Nathan D Grubaugh, Sharada Saraf, Karthik Gangavarapu, Alexander Watts, Amanda L Tan, Rachel J Oidtman, Jason T Ladner, Glenn Oliveira, Nathaniel L Matteson, Moritz U G Kraemer, Chantal B F Vogels, Aaron Hentoff, Deepit Bhatia, Danielle Stanek, Blake Scott, Vanessa Landis, Ian Stryker, Marshall R Cone, Edgar W Koppth, Andrew C Cannons, Lea Heberlein-Larson, Stephen White, Leah D Gillis, Michael J Ricciardi, Jaclyn Kwal, Paola K Lichtenberger, Diogo M Magnani, David I Watkins, Gustavo Pa

Wet Markets and Food Safety: TripAdvisor for Improved Global Digital Surveillance.
Apr 01, 2019
Publish date: Apr 01, 2019
Lead author: Nicole E Kogan
Authors: Nicole E Kogan, Isabelle Bolon, Nicolas Ray, Gabriel Alcoba, Jose L Fernandez-Marquez, Martin M Müller, Sharada P Mohanty, Rafael Ruiz de Castañeda

Increased risk of chikungunya infection in travellers to Thailand during ongoing outbreak in tourist areas: cases imported to Europe and the Middle East, early 2019
Mar 01, 2019
Publish date: Mar 01, 2019
Lead author: Emilie Javelle
Authors: Emilie Javelle, Simin-Aysel Florescu, Hilmir Asgeirsson, Shilan Jmor, Gilles Eperon, Eyal Leshem, Johannes Blum, Israel Molina, Vanessa Field, Nancy Pietroski, Carole Eldin, Victoria Johnston, Ioana Ani Cotar, Corneliu Popescu, Davidson H Hamer, Philippe Gautret

Spectrum of illness in migrants to Canada: sentinel surveillance through CanTravNet
Feb 01, 2019
Publish date: Feb 01, 2019
Lead author: Andrea K Boggild
Authors: Andrea K Boggild, Jennifer Geduld , Michael Libman, Cedric P Yansouni , Anne E McCarthy, Jan Hajek, Wayne Ghesquiere , Yazdan Mirzanejad, Jean Vincelette, Susan Kuhn, Pierre J Plourde, Sumontra Chakrabarti, Christina Greenaway, Davidson H Hamer, Kevin C Kain

Rabies post-exposure prophylaxis started during or after travel: A GeoSentinel analysis
Nov 01, 2018
Publish date: Nov 01, 2018
Lead author: Philippe Gautret
Authors: Philippe Gautret, Kristina M Angelo, Hilmir Asgeirsson, David G Lalloo, Marc Shaw, Eli Schwartz, Michael Libman, Kevin C Kain, Watcharapong Piyaphanee, Holly Murphy, Karin Leder, Jean Vincelette, Mogens Jensenius, Jesse Waggoner, Daniel Leung, Sarah Borwein, Lucille Blumberg, Patricia Schlagenhauf, Elizabeth D Barnett, Davidson H Hamer, GeoSentinel Global Surveillance Network