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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

ZIKV infection from Thailand

ZIKV infection from Thailand

Site: ISR

We are writing in follow-up to our recent network alert about an Israeli traveler who became infected with Zika virus while traveling in northern Thailand. We have learned of two additional cases through Vicky Johnston and the team at HTD (Hospital for Tropical Diseases, London). This was a male/female couple who traveled to Thailand in March 2022. They flew directly to Phuket via Doha and were primarily on a beach holiday with some travel to local islands and an elephant sanctuary. One was confirmed Zika positive on PCR and the other had a probable infection (IgM positive).

Besides alerting you again to the continued risk of Zika virus disease in Thailand, Eli Schwartz and Vicky Johnston are planning to write up a short case series to remind the world that Zika may be forgotten but is not gone. If you have seen any patients recently with confirmed or probable Zika infection, please email the GeoSentinel Program Manager at (Aisha Rizwan) and David Hamer (GeoSentinel Surveillance Lead).

Details are available in a ProMed posting: