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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

Schistosomiasis in Corsica

Schistosomiasis in Corsica

Site: LMU University Hospital Munich, Div. of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine

The GeoSentinel Site in Munich has reported a case of a 49- year old male German who presented with macrohematuria in June 2020. Urogenital schistosomiasis was confirmed upon bladder biopsy, as well as in his urine (microscopy and PCR). Genotyping revealed an S. haematobium/S. bovis hybrid. The patient had never travelled outside Europe. He had, however, been to Corsica island (France) twice, in 2019 and 2013. He never swam in the Cavu River, where cases of schistosomiasis had been acquired in previous years (including by GeoSentinel; see Gautret P et al.). History suggests he most likely was infected in 2019 bathing in the Solenzara River, close to a busy camping site. The Solenzara river does not communicate with the Cavu river.

The particular S. haematobium/S. bovis hybrid is the same as identified during the previous outbreak (see Moné H et al.). This Case suggests that transmission of schistosomiasis transmission in Corsica is ongoing and now occurring in another river. Clinicians should make sure that they screen returned travelers from Corsica for schistosomiasis.

Details are available in a ProMed posting: