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Outbreak of Cyclospora related to travel in Mexico

Outbreak of Cyclospora related to travel in Mexico

Site: The Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD) & London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)

The London Site Director, Vanessa Field has alerted us to an outbreak of Cyclospora related to travel in Mexico. A Public Health England Health Protection Report ( highlights 204 confirmed cases since June 1st, 2016. The cases are mainly associated with travel to Mexico specifically the Riviera Maya Coast. Have you seen such cases? If so, please notify the GeoSentinel Program Manager of any cases that have not yet been reported to GeoSentinel. We are especially interested in specific exposure locations within Mexico. Infection is characterized by diarrhea, fatigue, muscle pain, anorexia, weight loss, abdominal cramping and flatulence, nausea and low-grade fever. The foods previously involved in cyclospora outbreaks include soft fruits, such as raspberries, and salad products such as coriander, basil and lettuce. In addition to Mexico, there is a reported outbreak in Texas (which may be due to imported produce from Mexico) Please be alert to travelers returning from Mexico who present with such symptoms and caution intending travelers regarding food hygiene.