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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

Non-vector transmitted Zika virus

Non-vector transmitted Zika virus

The WHO has just released new recommendations to curtail non-vector, sexually transmitted Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in returned travelers. In areas where the virus is not spreading locally, the WHO now recommends that both women and men who are returning from Zika-affected areas abstain or practice safe sex for 6 months, even if they are not trying to conceive and regardless of whether or not they have ZIKV symptoms. Please build these recommendations into your pre-travel advice and traveler information notices. Please be alert to sexually transmitted ZIKV cases and other non-mosquito borne possibilities including via saliva, urine, tears, transfusion etc and remember to use the code 846 for “non-vector transmitted Zika”.