Marc Mendelson, from the GeoSentinel® Site in Cape Town (CPT), has reported a case of measles in a 29-year old Somalian who returned by air from a 9-month stay in Djibouti (visiting friends and relatives [VFR] in the capital) on the 4th of January. This patient is a migrant worker in South Africa who has been there since August 2010. He developed febrile prodrome symptoms with abdominal pain, diarrhea followed by myalgia on the 10th of January and facial rash that spread to the trunk and limbs on January 15th. Urine PCR on January 16th was positive for measles. There were no identifiable measles contacts and local health authorities in South Africa are conducting flight contact tracing. A ProMed posting is in preparation. The GeoSentinel® database records 13 cases of travel related measles in the past 12 months, two of these cases were associated with VFR travel to the Horn of Africa and several other cases were acquired during VFR travel to Asia. The pre-travel consultation is an ideal opportunity to address missing or inadequate measles vaccination coverage.
Marc Mendelson, from the GeoSentinel® Site in Cape Town (CPT), has reported a case of measles in a 29-year old Somalian who returned by air from a 9-month stay in Djibouti (visiting friends and relatives [VFR] in the capital) on the 4th of January. This patient is a migrant worker in South Africa who has been there since August 2010. He developed febrile prodrome symptoms with abdominal pain, diarrhea followed by myalgia on the 10th of January and facial rash that spread to the trunk and limbs on January 15th. Urine PCR on January 16th was positive for measles. There were no identifiable measles contacts and local health authorities in South Africa are conducting flight contact tracing. A ProMed posting is in preparation. The GeoSentinel® database records 13 cases of travel related measles in the past 12 months, two of these cases were associated with VFR travel to the Horn of Africa and several other cases were acquired during VFR travel to Asia. The pre-travel consultation is an ideal opportunity to address missing or inadequate measles vaccination coverage.