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ALERT: Increased Dengue transmission in Francophone countries in the Caribbean. Read more.

Diphtheria in the Americas – 2017

Diphtheria in the Americas – 2017

PAHO sources have reported an increase in reported diphtheria cases in the Americas. In 2017, up to epidemiological week 45, five countries in the Americas have reported suspected and/or confirmed diphtheria cases: Brazil (39 of which five confirmed), Colombia (14 suspected), the Dominican Republic (three confirmed), Haiti (120 of which 51 confirmed), and Venezuela (511 of which 146 confirmed). This is an increase compared to 2016, when three countries in the Americas reported a total of 78 confirmed diphtheria cases: Haiti (56 cases), Venezuela (20 cases) and the Dominican Republic (two cases). The Venezuela Ministry of Health has intensified vaccination against diphtheria as part of the national plan and vaccination plans are ongoing. This is a rare but occasional infection in travelers. Immunization programs have largely been successful with some exceptions. Sites providing pre-travel advice should ensure that travelers to these areas in the Americas are up to date with their diphtheria immunization, in conjunction with tetanus immunization.